
Research Group of Prof. Guangjiu Zhao

l 激发态弱键作用与激发态化学;Excited-state weak bonding interaction and excited-state chemistry

l 超分子弱键自组装与光化学; Supramolecular weak bond self-assembly dynamics and photochemistry

l 有机电子学理论计算与光电材料;Organic electronics and optoelectronic functional materials

l 能源与环境材料分子相互作用机制; Molecular interactions in energy and environmental chemistry

l 防晒霜防晒机理与光生物学; Excited state mechanism of novel suncreens and photobilogy

l 阿秒动力学与强场原子分子物理 Attosecond quantum dynamics and strong field physics


版权所有:赵广久教授课题组 津ICP备05004358号-1