2021年6月15日,受胡文平教授邀请,香港理工大学郑子剑教授做客天津市分子光电科学重点实验室,向师生做了题为“Porous Conductive Textiles for Wearable Electronics”的学术报告。
郑子剑教授在报告中指出,可穿戴电子学将在健康监测、康复训练、物联网以及柔性机器人等方面扮演重要角色,这类可穿戴设备系统不仅需要具备超柔、可拉伸甚至可清洗的特性,还应在长时间穿戴过程中舒适度高。郑教授团队针对导电织物材料及其应用开展系列研究,报告中,郑教授就聚合物协助金属沉积法polymer-assisted metal deposition (PAMD)制备高性能、可清洗的柔性导电纤维、纱线、纤维织物做了详细介绍。该类材料可广泛应用于可穿戴传感器、储能器件等。此外,郑教授还介绍了高渗透性、可拉伸的液态金属纤维毡liquid metal fiber mat (LMFM)。该类材料可应用于长时间可穿戴的三维大型柔性电子器件。
Prof. Zijian Zheng is currently a Full Professor at the Institute of Textile and Clothing (ITC) and Research Institute for Smart Energy (RISE) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests are surface and polymer science, nanofabrication, flexible and wearable electronics, energy conversion and storage. Prof. Zheng received his B. Eng. in Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2003, and PhD in Chemistry at University of Cambridge in 2007 (Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm T. S. Huck). In 2008, he worked as postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Chad A. Mirkin at Northwestern University in the USA. He joined ITC as Assistant Professor in 2009, and was promoted to tenured Associate Professor in 2013 and Professor in 2017. He has published ~120 papers in high-impact international scientific journals including Science, Nat. Mater., Nat. Comm., Adv. Mater., JACS, Angew. Chem.. He also files 25+ patents and is recipient of more than 15 academic awards. He serves as Guest Editor of Advanced Materials and Small, and Editor-in-Chief of EcoMat, a flagship open-access journal in green energy and environment published by Wiley. He is elected Founding Member of The Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, the highest academic award of under-45 scientists in Hong Kong. He is also awarded Chang Jiang Scholars Program by the Ministry of Education of China.