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英国剑桥大学Henning Sirringhaus 教授学术报告

发布单位: 发布时间:2024/07/27

 2024年7月15日,受天津大学胡文平教授邀请,英国剑桥大学Henning Sirringhaus教授在天津大学卫津路校区三教二楼会议室开展了题目为“Charge Transport and Thermoelectric Physics of Conjugated Polymers at Ultrahigh Charge Densities”的线下学术报告。

 报告中,Henning Sirringhaus教授主要围绕超高电荷密度下共轭聚合物的电荷输运和热电物理进行讲解。首先, Sirringhaus教授介绍了带状相的PBTTT通过控制链掺入后电导率显著增强,以及晶界限制电荷/热输运的模型体系,之后介绍了利用电解质门控有机晶体管研究高电荷密度下热电输运物理以及当离子不能随电子载流子密度的变化而平衡时的非平衡场效应输运特征。报告后,Sirringhaus教授同参会师生就半导体材料的电荷输运方面进行了深入探讨,参会师生收获颇丰。



Henning Sirringhaus holds the Hitachi Professorship of Electron Device Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory and was awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship in 2020. He has an undergraduate and PhD degree in physics from ETH Zürich (CH). From 1995-1996 he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Princeton University (USA). He has been working in Cambridge on the charge transport physics of organic semiconductors and other functional materials since 1997. He is a co-founder of Plastic Logic/FlexEnable, a technology start-up company commercialising printed organic transistor technology.