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Nature Materials高级编辑李昕博士学术报告

发布单位: 发布时间:2024/06/05

2024年5月29日,受天津大学胡文平教授邀请,Nature Materials高级编辑李昕博士在天津大学卫津路校区第三教学楼会议室开展了题为“What we look for in a Nature Materials paper”的学术报告。





Xin Li received her first degree in materials science and engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. She completed her PhD jointly at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Lorraine, studying epitaxy growth and optoelectronic applications of wide bandgap semiconductors. She continued to work in the Georgia Tech-CNRS UMI as a postdoctoral researcher, and expanded her interests to 2D materials, nanostructures and flexible devices. At Nature Materials, which she joined in April 2017, Xin handles manuscripts in the areas of structural materials, nanomaterials synthesis, and 2D electronics. Xin is based in the Shanghai office.